This blog is part of a series about the catalogue used by The Technical Library. Blogs will include information about who can access the catalogue and how to search it.
Navigate to The Technical Library’s website – and click on the Library Catalogue Link on the Home Page.The screen will prompt you for your User ID and submit, and then for your password and submit. See a previous blog to find out how become a member of The Technical Library and obtain login details
On the left side of the screen, just below the heading “Home”, you will click on Title/Author under the sub-heading “Search”.
The Title/Author search functionality is limited to single search terms. For multiple words in a title or multiple authors it is easier to use the Keyword or Advanced searches.
Type any information you have – title beginning with, or author’s surname, or name of the organisation or use the wild card (*or %) to search for a word within a title.
Choose the number of hits required on the results page (5-500). Defaults to 20.
Limit/restrict the search by entering a publication date (before or after a specific year) or by a location or media type.
This blog is written to promote the products and services of The Technical Library. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome.