Monthly Archives: March 2017

A day in the life of … Pamela Hutchison

Published Post author

Pam is responsible for a lot of things that happen ‘behind the scenes’ at The Technical Library.

Pam’s role as a systems administrator ensures that both clients and staff can access library products and services from their desktop.

Pam designed and is responsible for The Technical Library’s websiteHere clients can access the Public catalogue, find out about products and services offered by The Technical Library, and read the current library blogs.

Every business has day-to-day IT issues, and as our systems administrator, Pam takes care of these for staff of The Technical Library. She also manages and maintains the content of the library servers and Cloud storage.

Pam maintains the distribution lists for the monthly bulletin, so please contact her if you would like to be added to the list. She also manages the journal subscriptions by checking that all paper copy journals are received, and liaises with the vendors to obtain any missing issues. She supervises the checking in of these journals and oversees the quality of all data capture done on both catalogues.

Contents pages of all conference proceedings purchased by The Technical Library are read, and relevant papers are selected and added by Pam to the catalogue.

She also manages all invoices issued and payments made by The Technical Library and is responsible for submitting vendor registration documents to companies to facilitate payments.

Watch this video where Pam talks about her roles and responsibilities at The Technical Library.

This blog is written to promote the products and services of The Technical Library. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Debbie Lievaart


3rd March 2017