Monthly Archives: April 2018

The Technical Library Catalogue Part 3: How to reserve/request items

Published Post author

This blog is part of a series about the catalogue used by The Technical Library. Blogs will include information about who can access the catalogue and how to search it.

  • Navigate to The Technical Library’s website –
  • Click on the Library Catalogue Link on the Home Page.
  • The screen will prompt you for your User ID and password
  • See The Technical Library Catalogue Part 1: Obtaining a User ID and logging onto the catalogue, to find out how become a member of The Technical Library and obtain login details.

Once you have done a search there are several ways to request items from The Technical Library. You need to be logged in so that anything requested/reserved can be identified as coming from you.

Requesting/Reserving an item

  • Request directly one at a time
    1. by clicking on red arrow on LHS and submitting
    2. from full bibliographic record – Reserve/Request at the bottom of the record
  • Selection from hitlist – one at a time or select all – tick in square box next to number
    1. View selection
    2. Email citations
    3. Send to yourself or to Luke (
    4. NB enter your email address so that Luke can identify who sent the request.
    5. Return to hitlist
  • Using the basket
  1. Click on green arrow on RHS
  2. Basket appears on top of screen
  3. Open basket
  4. View selection
  5. Email citations
  6. Send to yourself or to Luke (
  7. NB enter your email address so that Luke can identify who sent the request
  8. Click on basket toggle to empty basket
  9. Click on back arrow to return to hitlist.
  10. To reopen basket click on any green arrow on the RHS.

Saving a search

  1. Click on Save search on top RHS
  2. Box will come up for you to name the search
  3. Saved in ‘Saved Searches’ under My Account tab
  4. To reopen next time, click on name of search. It will run the search again and pick up any new items added to the catalogue since you last ran the search. It does not keep any record of what was edited from the previous search.


  1. To return to catalogue landing page.

This blog is written to promote the products and services of The Technical Library. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome.

Dineo Molebatsi

25th April 2018

The Technical Library Catalogue Part 2: Doing a Title/Author search

Published Post author

This blog is part of a series about the catalogue used by The Technical Library. Blogs will include information about who can access the catalogue and how to search it.

Navigate to The Technical Library’s website – and click on the Library Catalogue Link on the Home Page.The screen will prompt you for your User ID and submit, and then for your password and submit.  See a previous blog to find out how become a member of The Technical Library and obtain login details

On the left side of the screen, just below the heading “Home”, you will click on Title/Author under the sub-heading “Search”.

The Title/Author search functionality is limited to single search terms. For multiple words in a title or multiple authors it is easier to use the Keyword or Advanced searches.

Type any information you have – title beginning with, or author’s surname, or name of the organisation or use the wild card (*or %) to search for a word within a title.

Choose the number of hits required on the results page (5-500). Defaults to 20.

Limit/restrict the search by entering a publication date (before or after a specific year) or by a location or media type.

This blog is written to promote the products and services of The Technical Library. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome.

Dineo Molebatsi

18th April 2018

New Intern Alert

Published Post author

Welcoming  our new intern Pfumelani Ngobeni to The Technical Library team.

Pfumelani Ngobeni (30) is a University of Johannesburg graduate, who holds a BA degree in Information Science, as well as a BA Honours degree in Public Management and Governance. She recently started her internship at The Technical Library and her main duty is cataloging of reports.

Pfumelani is a team player. She is goal orientated, punctual and career driven. These are values that The Technical Library looks for in its employees. We are happy to have her on the team and hope that she will have a successful journey with us.

This blog is written to promote the products and services of The Technical Library. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome.

Dineo Molebatsi

4th April 2018