This blog explains the information supplied from conference proceedings and journals
Listed below are the types of publication requests (journal articles and conference papers) that are received :
- The result of research requests conducted by library staff (either in-depth or a quick question) is often a list of references in bibliographic format from the library catalogue. Clients select the most relevant items they would like to receive in full text.
- Clients submit single requests or a list of bibliographic references they would like to receive in full text. These are often references listed in published articles. The in-house journal collection includes mining, geology and metallurgy volumes going back to the early 1900s.
- The library produces a monthly bulletin of new articles added to the library catalogue, which have been selected from paper and electronic journals or received on inter-library loan. Clients ask to receive copies of these articles.
Should any article or conference paper not be in the library collection, it can be requested on inter-library loan. There is a cost for this service.
Please contact Luke Ngubane for any publication requests.
Library jargon definition of the week
Adopted standard. National standards organisations like the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), British Standards Institute (BSI), Deutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN) or the American National Standards Institute are members of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
As members of ISO and the IEC, these national organisations have the option of adopting any international standard as a standard from their country. These are then republished as SABS ISO (for example SABS ISO 9000), or BS IEC or BS ISO/IEC, and are referred to as an adopted standard.
This weekly blog is written promoting the products and services of The Technical Library. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome.
Debbie Lievaart